Journal History
QALAM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam merupakan jurnal yang berfokus pada:
1). Pemikiran Pendikan , 2). Kurikulum Pendidikan 3). Manajemen Pendidikan, 4). Strategi Pembelajaran, 5). Kebijakna 6). Teknologi Pendidikan, dan 7) Pendidikan Pesantren dan Madrasah dan memiliki memiliki Nomer ISSN 2745-844X pada 1 September 2020 dan e-ISSN 2745-8245 pada 2 Mei 2020.
Milestones QALAM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam :
- First published
- Obtain P.ISSN No. 0005.2745844X/K.4/SK.ISSN/2020.09
- Obtain SK E.ISSN No. : 0005.27458245/K.4/SK.ISSN/2020.09
- Editorial Team amendement
- Editorial Team reshuffled
- Januari : Thenticate Similarity Check implemented. Every article that goes into Qalam is done by checking similarity to guarantee the authenticity of the article.
- Januari: New Template article for 2021 edition uploaded can be downloaded . There have been many changes to the appearance of the article starting in the 2020 edition. Some changes include the existence of information articles submitted by the author, revisions, accepted, and published. writing articles by the author becomes easier to use various styles using new standards.
- January: Minor revision of article template. The new template does not include a mailing email address. instead, the authors are required to include their respective email addresses.
- May: In 2022, there are two changes, the first is a change in focus and scope, and the second is a change to the article.
- January: Change publication time from June to April and May to November.
- February: Change author guideline, number of paper accepted.
- May to November 2022 paper accepted were only 6 papers.