Nailin Umayyah


This article examines Islamic Education and its position in the National Education System Law. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative and is included in the literature review. The process of data collection in this study is by making observations, in the sense of tracking various references related to the study’s focus, both from books, articles, and so on, that serve to support these data. The data analysis technique used in this study is the content analysis method. From the study, it can be seen that Islamic education gets legitimacy to exist and get a place to live and develop in Indonesia to meet the educational needs of the Muslim community as the majority citizen. The state’s accommodation of the Islamic education system gives Islamic education systems and institutions a strong foundation to be developed with financial support and attention from the state. Therefore, the state must develop the Islamic education system as one type of religious education in the national education system. In the national education system, Islamic education as a religious education system is implemented in various channels, namely formal, informal, and non-formal

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